It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing
of our dear friend,

Paul Urzdik
(Survivor - USS Vestal).

It has been our honor and
privilege to have known
Mr. Urzdik.

Mr. Urzdik passed away
on October 20, 2003.  He will be missed by all who knew him.

Rest in Peace, Mr. Urzdik.  Our family will miss you!
Hans Christenson

George Whiteman
USS Arizona
"Loving Cup"
"We felt several bombs hit and the ship shuddered a little bit, when the eighth bomb hit the ship, that caused the explosion the ship sank in eight minutes."
---James W. Green  USS Arizona Survivor
"The only bomb I actually saw was released from a plane coming over. I couldn't watch too much of its flight, but then it disappeared. But it landed right down on our boat deck between number 4 and number 6 aircraft guns. When the ship blew up, most of the guys with me jumped... That's why they got burned pretty bad."
---Russell Lott  USS Arizona Survivor

This photograph is of a watch on display at the U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD.  It was furnished to us by William Hughes (USS Utah) and Captain Rick Hauck.

This historic value of the watch is significant because it documents the approximate time Lt. Philip Frederick Hauck dove into the water as the USS Utah was capsizing.
Dorothy Lamour Visits the Troops

Jitterbug Contest
December 6, 1941

Pat Campbell
Jack Evans
"In those days a mess cook was responsible for all their dishes. After the attack, I went down and all my dishes were blown all to hell. All I could think of was how was I gonna pay for all those dishes on $21 a month."
-- Ed Chappell - USS Maryland Survivor
Pearl Harbor survivor Houston James embraces Marine Staff Sgt. Mark Graunke, Jr.
Graunke lost a hand, leg, and eye when he defused a bomb in Iraq in 2004.

DAV Magazine