The Cincinnati Chapter 8 Pearl Harbor Survivor Members
celebrate the 200th birthday of Williamsburg, Ohio
June 20-23, 1996
(Photograph provided by Wes Warnock)
John McGoran
Joe Paul or Bill Moore
Richard Fiske
Ed Carstens
John Latko
USS Oklahoma damage profile
(Photograph provided by Tom & Violet Clark)
Did You Know...
A Patriotic Poem "Thanksgiving", written by Kathryn Kay fell from view but rises anew
"We all made for cover ... in the kitchen. After the firing stopped, I saw a hand rise up, pick up a spatula, and turn over two eggs frying on the range, then replace the spatula and again disappear. When it seemed the attack was over, I grabbed a plate and claimed the eggs and sat down to eat my breakfast."
---J.K. Cowdery, Survivor - Schofield Barracks
"I remember a Japanese plane flying over our town in the direction of the harbor. The plane was flying so low and slow that I had a clear look at the pilot. He had the most determined expression on his face that I can ever remember.... my mother said she could have reached up and shook hands with the pilots."
---Bill Freudenthal, 5-year-old boy at the time of the attack
"For three days we unloaded trucks, bringing in pine boxes containing bodies and parts of bodies. The stench was unbearable, and it took months before I really thought I was rid of the smell."
---Truett L. Davis, Survivor  USS Utah
It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing
of our dear friend,

Rene Paul Humbert
(Survivor - USS San Francisco).

It has been our honor and
privilege to have known
Mr. Humbert.

Mr. Humbert passed away
on June 11, 2002.  He will be missed by all who knew him.

Rest in Peace, Mr. Humbert.  Our family will miss you!
Women were at Pearl Harbor, too!

Womens Army Auxiliary Corp (WAAC), Army Nurse Corp, WAVES,
US Marine Women's Reserve