Virgil E. Hengl
US Navy
USS Tennessee

I was aboard the USS Tennessee from June 1941 until April 1943 and at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.  We were one of the ships referred to as "Battleship Row."

I was 19 and wanted to fly but because of my height (6' 5 ½"), I was refused for flight school.  At that time there was no Air Force, only Naval Air Force, Marine Air Force, etc.  So to beat the draft, I joined the Navy on March 22, 1941.

My older brother was aboard the Tennessee in the VA division, which was the aviation division.  He told me if I could board the ship, he could get me in aviation.  In May 1941, I boarded the Tennessee and a couple months later I was in the VA Division.

On December 7, 1941, the Tennessee was secured to a quay immediately in front of the USS Arizona.  On our port side the West Virginia was secured to our ship.  Immediately in front of us was the Maryland and secured to her port side was the Oklahoma.  In front of the Maryland was the California.  After the attack only the Tennessee and Maryland were sea worthy, but neither ship was able to leave its berth because of the sunken battleships around us.  Not until January 1942, were we able to get out.  Two bombs hit the Tennessee.  One cracked the armor plate on a 16-inch gun and the second one exploded with shrapnel killing the Captain on the West Virginia.

We had three airplanes, known as OSTU's, used for scouting and attacking enemy submarines.  When in port, the planes were flown to the nearest airfield so no planes were onboard that day.  My duty was with the aircraft to make sure the planes were in flyable condition.  They were tied down on Ford Island, about one mile from the ship.  I had no other assigned duties other than taking care of the aircraft.  I made note of this because, since I had no other duties, I was at a loss of what had to be done.  During battle there is nothing worse than having no assigned duties.

On Sunday morning, I was on the third deck (my living area), cleaning out my locker.  I had my army cot out and was placing my locker contents on it.  In the Navy, at that time, Sunday was a day of leisure.  I was enjoying my "leisure" when all of a sudden "general quarters" were sounded.  This seemed very unusual because never before in port did general quarters sound and certainly not on a Sunday.  Out to sea perhaps, but not in port!  When I reached topside the first thing I saw was the battleship Utah, with its mast about to touch the water.  In just a few minutes it capsized.  We had no idea what was happening, and though word was out that the Japanese were attacking, we still were unsure.

I remember seeing several Japanese planes flying about 100 feet above the water and strafing some motor launches filled with American sailors.  A most barbaric act.  In fact, I feel safe in saying the whole attack was barbaric.

I helped as best I could.  Between the first and second attack word came for the VA division to go over the side with a box of 30 caliber ammunitions and meet a pickup behind the airfield.  Each box of ammunition weighted 110 pounds.  I went over the side as ordered, but ran into some problems.  On each side of the ship was what was known as "blisters."  These blisters extended the length of the ship on both sides and go from the keel to about three feet above the water line and are about 18 inches wide.  There purpose is to protect the ship from torpedoes.

I had just gone over the side and was standing on the blister when the second attack began.  My only protection was to get as close to the side of the ship as possible.  Meantime, about eight feet above my head, was a 5-inch anti-aircraft gun manned by Marines.  Every time the gun was fired over my head the noise was deafening.  My only protection was a WWI helmet.  To this day my hearing is very impaired.

To get to the waiting pickup, we had to walk a diesel pipeline for about 20 yards.  The pipe was about a foot in diameter and coated with a thin layer of diesel fuel, which made it very slippery.  Can you feature carrying a 110-pound box of ammunition, 20 yards on a diesel-coated pipeline?  I made it but I know of two who didn't.  Their only despair was the loss of a box of ammunition and a diesel bath.  By this time most of the water around the battleships was covered with diesel fuel from the Arizona.  A lot of it was burning, but fortunately the fire had not reached us.  The pickup was waiting for us and we proceeded to the air base.

Our planes were equipped with 30 caliber machine guns; one in the rear seat and another fired from the front cockpit.  Since the airbase was low on 30 caliber bullets they had hopes of us replenishing their supply and also to arm our aircraft.  To my surprise all three o four planes were totally destroyed as well as many others.  The ammunition was carried over there was practically useless.  We had no guns to arm.

I spent the next few days at the air base.  Those of us who were able worked to repair as many planes as possible.  Then I was ordered back aboard ship.  Another hair-raising experience.  Since the ship was so close to the burning Arizona, the heat had scorched the paint on all the compartments on the stern of the Tennessee where the officers quarters were located, destroying many of their belongings.  The next few days were spent trying to get our compartments livable again.  Soon after that, the ship was freed and ready for sea duty,  But without the aircraft.  We went back to the States, picked up three new aircraft and headed back out to sea.
Information provided by Lester Ritchie