Dale T. Anderson
US Navy
USS Tennessee

We do not have any written history from my step-father, Dale Anderson, only our memories of the few stories he told.  I used to think that I had a good understanding of the attack at Pearl, but then when I heard about the attack from someone who was there, I realized that I really didn't understand what had happend during the attack.

The only details that I remember from what Dale told me are that the biggest problem for the Tennessee was the burning oil on the water from the Arizona.  Dale said that they had the screws turning on the Tennessee for a couple of days after the attack to keep the oil away from the Tennessee.  If I remember right, he also told me that there was a sailor they pulled out of the water from the Arizona.  This sailor felt that he needed to get back to his ship and help his friends there.  They tried to hold him back but he got away and dove into the burning water and swam back to the Arizona.  I don't believe he was ever seen again.

Information provided by Wayne Johnson